Your Journey Begins Here
New Skills Academy partners with some of the best training and qualification providers in Australia to help you achieve your goals and dreams.
Our team works with you to help you gain nationally and internationally recognised qualifications to assist you to grow and progress your career.
Australian qualifications are highly valued around the world and recognised as the top qualification you can hold.
New Skills Academy is committed to your success and give you the flexibility to study at your own pace, 24/7 with the support of highly qualified expert trainers and support.
Your New Skills Qualifications!
All qualifications New Skills Academy offers are;
Recognised in Australia and Internationally
Australian Qualifications can help toward gaining a Visa for Australia
Delivered by the highest standard trainers and learning collateral
Are available to both Australian Students and International Students
You are able to study and learn from anywhere in the world, online 24/7
You may be able to use previous qualifications and real life experience to help you gain your desired qualification.
Your career and or life experiences are a powerful asset that New Skills Academy will assess for free for you and outline a potential plan to achieve your goals and aspirations faster.
Study at Your Own Pace and Time
Study online 24/7 at your own pace.
Meet classmates from all over the world in your virtual classroom
Work with highly skilled trainers with real world knowledge.
Create an international network of colleagues when you study with New Skills Academy.
Our Teachers
Our teachers are all Australian based, delivering the best education around the world.
How You Study
Study at any time that suits you 24/7
Online with live support.
Our Support for You
New Skills Academy has gathered the best trainers and industry experts to help you achieve your dreams, all accessible exclusively for you.